Here is a nice, totally fixed up picture of myself:
For this blog, I will be focusing on style, fashion and trends. My style is sort of all over the place and I'm hoping that this blog will help me streamline my own choices by talking about different styles in general. Other than the 95% of the time I wear yoga pants and hoodies, I'd like to say that I love minimalistic, classic style with hints of edginess to it. I know, those are a lot of random adjectives that describe basically the same few things I wear when my all yoga pants need to be cleaned: skinny jeans, a simple t shirt and really dope* shoes. (*I really need to buy a thesaurus).
I also have a business, where I make and sell jewelry. My target market dresses in slightly differing styles, so being able to integrate my own wardrobe, style, and brand to fit the way my customers dress is tricky, but I hope that this blog will allow me to better intertwine each style.